Monday, 29 November 2010
Exhibition Images
Wednesday, 10 November 2010
Interview 3
How long have you lived in Crosby?
Sarah: Well, I have been between Crosby and Seaforth for the past 31 years
So did Crosby village play a big part in your childhood and your teens?
Sarah: When I was in school it did
So did you go there in your lunch times or anything?
Sarah: We weren’t supposed to go in lunchtime but we normally did, and after school....
Anything that happened in Crosby that sticks out in your memory?
Sarah: In Crosby village?
Yeah, yeah. But kind of when you walk through the village and look at certain shops, your like Oh I remember when this happened and….
Sarah: Only the butchers, that we used to fancy the butchers….that’s the only thing I remember, we used to let a bus go so we could stay outside and like, eye up the butchers.
I think the bus was about 15p so we would always have like 5p left or something, out of your 20p, go in the 50p shop, get some sweets and go and stand outside the butchers, we were only about 11.
Interview 2
Interview 2, Tuesday 9th November @ 1.51pm, Inside Finishing Touch
So is a lot of your memories, kind of based around the village? Did you spend a lot of time here?
Trisha: I lived here from the age of seven yeah, because we used to live in Thornton.That’s what I remember as a child, here (Crosby village) it was always bustling, always packed, and it didn’t matter what day of the week you came down here, you met somebody you knew, so to go shopping, you couldn’t just say “I’m going to nip into Moor lane for half an hour”, you’d be here for 3 or 4 hours because you’d be chatting.
Tuesday, 9 November 2010
Extracts from Interview transcripts
Richard: Massive
Is there anything that springs to mind, that’s a really nice memory that you have when you walk through the village?
Sylvia: They’re all nice memories really aren’t they?
Richard: Yeah
Sylvia: They’re all nice memories, when you think back to when you were a teenager, you used to walk in the village and see all your friends.